Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Girl Then and the Girl Now, Is the Same

Everybody in my family seems to be moving to new homes. It has been a bit hectic. I now have the urge to simplify and downsize my posessions. Although I would like to increase my vehicles to two. Boy am I unbalanced. ANyway, I'm in the mood to clean out closets and tonight I've accomplished destroying my loft with crap and clutter. It's everywhere. Shambles. Because, of course, I got caught up reading journals. I've always wanted to write a book. The first time I started at book was my senior year in high school. I've been reading it tonight and, although it has no point or purpose that I can find, it has been entertaining. I was not a very nice girl back in the day. At one point in my unfinished book I was attending a church meeting (to my embarassment as a full functioning adult, this occurred right after sacrament before we separated to sunday school) and when the chorister asked the congregation for hymn suggestions, I requested AC/DC's Back in Black. Ugh. I am shocked but not surprised. ANyway, I wanted to share a small portion of the book:

I have two interesting things to tell you about dying cows (then I go into a long explanation about someone you wouldn't expect to laugh like a dying cow...and I eventually get to this point...). Just today (april 1) in a class some girl started making some wheezy dead noise and it was such a terrible noise that I thought she was just doing it for fun. And all of a sudden she flung her head down on the table..hard!! And she just laid there groaning and it sounded like she sneezed so I cynically asked her if she wanted a kleenex and she burst out I thought. She was like that for two minutes and all of a sudden she said,"will somebody get me a kleenex?" I thought I was going to die laughing, and none of us got her a kleenex so she used the piece of paper under her. When she flung her head down on the table she hit it so hard that she gave herself a bloody nose. She claimed she was choking and I say, "no way." I was just about to say, "why didn't yo hold your neck or something?" and she says, "Geeze (yelling) I was giving you guys the international sign for choking."

I vaguely remember this experience...and I do remember laughing...hard. Especially when she flung her head onto the table. Even better that it gaver her a bloody nose.

Someday I will post about the hard core rant I go on about abortion referring to the baby as "it" and pleading, "You don't kill it" and "give it a chance." It was a very strong voice for a 17 yr old with very little tact. Sounds about right.
A Few Random Thoughts That Might Relate to the Above Paragraphs, Or Not
This is my hike group that may never re-group for a hike again
This is a glacier that my hike group slid down last wednesday at 10 am. that turned a 10 hr hike into a 15 hour hiking disaster
This is Tiffany. Tiffany and I attended high school together (and Jr. High) and was part of my inspiration for my book writing. Tiff almost died on the glacier and escaped with relatively few injuries. Sadly, after she almost died and I knew she was alive and wouldn't die, I broke out into hysterical laughter, and it quite possibly sounded like a dying cow. After reading my partially written book and thinking of my reaction to Tiff's near death experience, I realize I have not matured and am still very much the same girl

However, the girl back then and the girl now has always been grateful for her long lasting and unwaivering friendship with Tiff...and hopes to never witness something like that again!


Kathryn said...

What is that semi-smile on Tiff's face? Seriously...amazing to be alive! I love my friends!

Kassie said...

So, did the bloody nose girl have a seizure or was she really just kidding?
And, I think it's good you are the same girl Then and Now...Once everything is okay--the best way to feel better is to laugh. And, be grateful. And, enjoy the journey.
I'm so glad Tiff is okay. I think you are a great friend. Old friends are the best.

I think you should write a book. I'd buy it.

PS What do you mean we will never hike again together?