Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Karma Works for Me Now

You know how if you say, "I will NEVER do that!" You will, one day, actually do that. Or you feel contempt towards a friend for something rude and inconsiderate they did, you will, one day, watch yourself do the exact same thing? It's like a universal rule, Karma, a law...infallible. I try to watch what I say, because I know I will eat every critical, contemptible, arrogant and prejudice remark that escapes my lips. Unfortunately, those things still slip out. However, today my friend Amy Poulsen introduced me to a whole new world of thought. My eyes are open and I am overwhelmed by the possibilities this new thought will shower upon me.

Amy, Tiff and I sat at Zupa's today. I ate an asian salad (mmmm...sesame ginger dressing), Tiffany some onion soup with coconut (barfarama) and Amy some lame drink...probably water...because she ate a sandwich before she came...that's cheating (and I can accuse her of that and not fear Karma because I too have been guilty of that treachery). Anyway, Amy sat there mocking her brother's parenting skills with caustic and slanderous digs. I agreed 100 percent with Amy's analysis of why the kids have poor.....(fill in the blank...I still don't dare say it). And then, the epiphany decended upon us, like a train on it's track (oh...that's a good one)....Amy proceeded to dare Karma to prove her wrong. Almost shouting the child raising errors to the skies. Give her a chance big K....prove her wrong. Give her some kids of her own and SHOW her. TEACH her. SUBDUE her! I dare you. (By the way, Amy is single, she run's 6 miles a day, rode the Lotoja, and ran into a tree in college when trying to escape a boy chasing after her). Seriously, why not? If there is something missing in our lives, critisize someone who has what we want, and I bet....pretty soon...we will be on our way to having exactly what we want.

I'm gonna get a bumper sticker make for this : Tricking Karma since October 20, 2009.
And a wooden sign with this painted: Kicking Karma est 10/20/09 which will hang where my real one ought to have been hanging for the last 10 years.


tiffy tiff said...

I'm crying with delight!!! Seriously one of your best... especially "like a train on it's tracks"!!!!!!

tiffy tiff said...

BTW.... onion soup with the coconut add in was delicious!!!! My own creation I might add and even if the guy working there looked at me like I was a little crazy I stand by the deliciousness of it!!!!!

Wessman said...

Wow! Your a good writer!

Amy Poulson said...

Awesome!! Can I seriously order that bumper sticker!! I have tried it with the "When I am married, I will never," but it hasn't worked out so far. But I really think we are on to something here.

Amy Poulson said...

Oh, and you should have heard me go off about the balloonatics last week. If that doesn't invite some big K, what will?

steph doyle said...

I love to read your blog! YOU ARE HILARIOUS! I am definitely going to try it out :) Good seeing you (FINALLY) even if it was sad.