Thursday, February 19, 2009

Aaaaaahhh!!! (said with much frustration)

I'm going to DIE if I don't find something insane to do...that won't get me killed or thrown in jail.

I think it comes from repression. Everything I have an impulsive urge to do, is not accepted by society. By not acting out I have the sensation behind my eyeballs that they are going to pop out.

Here is what I would do if no consequences were involved:

I would rip up.....ooooh....lots of stuff (stimulus bill included)

I would follow Eli's lead and smack people in the face (nobody in particular)

I would quit my job. Not answer my phone. And burn Facebook.

I would be on an airplane to Phoenix

I would adopt a dog and buy half a cow

I would definitely be homeless and know which clothes I would take on my back (can anyone guess?)

I would break the news to people who think they are funny, but aren't.

Until I have the guts, I guess I will just go to the gym and to Phoenix...those are do-able.


Kassie said...

Am I funny?
You can break it to me and I still will like you.

I want to smack people in the face just because and no one in particular.

I want too many things to tear up stuff.

You should make this a 'tag.' "Shish I want to do but is not acceptable by society standards"
Do you want me to start the tag-strain?

Kassie said...

wait. I mean to say "I want too may things to tear up STIMULUS CHECKS"