Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Kid with Blonde Hair

Family Emails on November 8, 2012 in response to a video of Max, my nephew, that his father Matthew sent to the family

Matt:  Max's assist. 

Dave:  Way to spot that the striker had pulled up on his run!

Really great ball movement; way better than the other team.  Seeing that makes me want to record James at soccer practice, but even more makes me want some video of me playing.  That's right.  I joined a recreational league.  Once a week I run the pitch and am constantly asked by my team what position I'm playing.  I never give a straight answer and then run off in a sprint toward the ball, which is never there by the time I get there.  It's exhausting. 

Matt:   Watching max play and especially watching his coach, who played professionally in Mexico, makes me feel I can play. So I can appreciate Dan's desire to film himself. 

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