Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Bear Has Spoken

Last weekend was SOOOOO GREAT! Olive Kate came to visit. Olive is a very good eater and takes it seriously. She is on a perfect little schedule, even for pooping--it's like clockwork.

We went to Wheeler Farm and chilled with Donkeys and Diesel fumes from tractors. (Personally, I felt inspired to become a farmer and vowed to the pigs and other livestock that I would be back to make their lives better. I informed the staff at the farm of my intentions to volunteer and #1 They wanted to know if it was court ordered...I guess most people don't want to work on farms. And #2 They were excited that I could help them in the offices, to which I said, "I'm more interested in being with the animals. YOu know, feeding them, cleaning their stalls, milking, piggy back rides. No offense." Peoples responses to me are starting to make me feel like I'm not normal)---okay....back to Olive

The girl will sleep for 12 hours a night and then wake you up with smiles and giggles. There is nothing better than a happy baby waking you up. I wish she could wake me up every morning.
Grandpa carried her in the Bjorn around Silver Lake. Something I wish I had had for our walk earlier that morning. I was dumb and took a stroll and when she was sick of it...I carried her in my arms. I had to switch arms about every 30 seconds!

Bjorn usage requires a 6 hour course inorder to use it correctly

I tried to eat her cheeks everyday.

I had the best time with them and wish so bad they lived right next door to me, or in my loft. I had to sleep off the depression for three hours after they left.


Kathryn said...

Chrissy...she is so beautiful! I am sad for you that she doesn't live here, but that just means more visits...too cute!

Kassie said...

You are so funny. I want to also be a farmer. Our goal is to move to a small, simple town. Mike will coach and I'll open a petting zoo/xray facility/workout center--I'm not sure where it will be but we probably will rock their world.
K-Olive-I would have bitten her I actually have bitten cheeks before. I was like 8. It was my friend's little brother. When the mom came in I was so scared I peed my pants on their couch also.

Dede said...

I love those pictures! She is such a cute little girl. I loved having them here...and you! Sorry if we were loud in the morning.