Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hawaii, the Hostess with the Mostess

$30 Wal-Mart tent purchased so that mom and baby were protected from the winter sunshine's killing rays of cancer. Probably one of the coolest purchases ever. The rest of us were jealous, especially when it rained.
Cohen (I choose to believe he was named after Seth Cohen of the hit tv series The OC), not sure what to do in this situation. I knew what to do though, document!
Huge waves at Waimea beach on the north shore. I'm not normally a big fan of getting pounded by the awesome raw power of the seas, but I sure enjoy watching other people's poundings.

James on his first Harley. Pretty astute of a 4 month old to know how to look cool.

Grandkid pictures. Gma and Gpa (Gma) bought the hawaiian outfits. Andrew (the one crying) wasnt a big fan of the sand or water.

My new facebook profile:) Courtesy of Danny. A penny for my thoughts...what the h#$ is going on in that head? I really couldn't tell you but it must have been deep.

Dede missing her job and boss at Goldman Sachs.

Dan's yellow shirt says "Man Scouts".

The Man Scout bursting through the water's surface for airj and show; A dramatical reinactment of A Normal Day for a Dolphin. (Excellent form Dan)

Claire thinks we are all idiots.
Way cuter on a kid than an adult.

Bonnie and Andrew enjoyed watching people getting pounded too.

Thanks Gary and BOnnie for the amazing trip! What a way to spend the holidays. I'm gonna be good every year from now on.


Dede said...

I love these pictures...except the nasty one of me! The one of Cohen is awesome! I miss Hawaii!

Kassie said...

Ha/ha...Cohen's snot rocket is awesome but probably happens several times a least, that' why I haven't documented my childrens...yet.

The McKell Spot said...

Chrissy, No wonder we haven't seen you in awhile, you have been in paradise! Well now it's our turn, we leave for Australia in 10 hours, so now you can plan another beautiful vacation to visit us!

virginia said...

somehow I don't think that even with hawaii as incentive you will be able to be good every year : )

Kassie said...

A girl I work with is TOTALLY interested in harvesting organs...could she do like a feild trip with you or could you tell her whom she needs to contact...
Let me know :()